Monday, August 10, 2015

Reflecting on your quiet life…

Reflecting on your quiet life…

Reflecting on your quiet life, I gaze at you in repose, your eyes pearls shaken loose from treetops, silvered.
Rain pelts our roof with pebbles as you drift into sleep, river brushwood rubbing shoulders with land.

Rising and falling, a cloud bumping over a mountain, your white arms. Turning, you exhale deeply. Mist gently pushes back your hair.

Wild brushstrokes of pillows and linens tumble as children, their laughter, bolts of silk, shimmying.

Gazebo freshly planted, you wind your legs and arms about a trellis.

Let us be orchids who widen our filigreed faces, leaves tapering to wax points proffering greetings.

Nodding plants in a circle, we will dine with April as our guest, grasping his warm hands from the vows of dawn until the crown of dusk.

Originally published in The Furious Gazelle (April 28, 2015)

...from the vows of dawn until the crown of dusk.


  1. Photo: Dawn, Swifts Creek, Victoria, Australia

    Photo courtesy of Fir0002/Flagstaffotos

    Photo link:


  2. We urge you, brethren, to excel still more, and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands, just as we commanded you; so that you may behave properly toward outsiders and not be in any need.—1 Thessalonians 4:10-12


  3. In this version of the poem, “tranquil” is substituted for “quiet.”

    Reflecting on your tranquil life…

    Reflecting on your tranquil life, I gaze at you in repose, your eyes pearls shaken loose from treetops, silvered.

    Rain pelts our roof with pebbles as you drift into sleep, river brushwood rubbing shoulders with land.

    Rising and falling, a cloud bumping over a mountain, your white arms. Turning, you exhale deeply. Mist gently pushes back your hair.

    Wild brushstrokes of pillows and linens tumble as children, their laughter, bolts of silk, shimmying.

    Gazebo freshly planted, you wind your legs and arms about a trellis.

    Let us be orchids who widen our filigreed faces, leaves tapering to wax points proffering greetings.

    Nodding plants in a circle, we will dine with April as our guest, grasping his warm hands from the vows of dawn until the crown of dusk.


  4. Tranquil means peaceful and quiet means that there is no sound.


    The Ship of Theseus and the Question of Identity by Noson S. Yanofksy, Utne Reader (November 2013):

