Monday, January 8, 2018

The Short of It (more)

I listen to broken grass…

I listen to broken grass
Dried out by summer
Popping underfoot like
Frozen grass in winter.


Forbearance is silence…

Forbearance is silence,
Virtue of the meek.
Silence is complicity,
Oppression of the weak.


I like my coffee hot and black...

I like my coffee hot and black—
hot hornet stings,
black squid ink—
heady broth of
bitter cumin,
red pine smoke,
dusky forests,
blue lightning.


I like my tea hot and sweet...

I like my tea hot and sweet—
hot thermal blooms,
sweet billowing mists—
suffusing beverage of
crow-black herbs,
white-petal clouds,
distilled memories,
prophetic dreams.



Afternoon is a jeweler
Setting hours in gold,
As silver glinting waves
Slap the garnet shore.

Scottish shortbread fingers


  1. Photo courtesy of SimonQ****

    Photo link:


  2. Credits - original publications:

    “I listen to broken grass…,” Heron Tree (February 1, 2015)

    “Forbearance is silence…,” GFT Presents: One in Four, Volume 1, Issue 1 (Spring 2016), page 75

    “I like my coffee hot and black—,” One Sentence Poems (May 23, 2016)

    “I like my tea hot and sweet—,” One Sentence Poems (May 23, 2016)

    “The Jeweler,” The Furious Gazelle (April 22, 2016)

