Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Clock


We divide the clock
Into pie segments
To show, self-indulgently,
We are masters of time.
Serving up plates, we
Apportion hours a la carte,
Spearing minutes with a fork.
Wistfully, we sip on seconds.
We park our legs high
On a chair, lean back,
Saying, this year I will do this,
Next year that.
But time yields to no master:
Heedless brute, it is an
Inexorable mule,
Spinning sun, ruthless.
Only a cosmic force,
Colossal as stars collapsing,
Warping space like plastic
Has the arm to rein in time,
Rearing neighing stallion,
Bull kept at bay.
Time answers to no one.
We answer to time.
Already it holds us
On a leash, shortening:
We strain forward;
It pulls us in.
Helpless fish,
We must forsake fruit
Just beyond our reach.
And we are bound to tell time
Our narrative when it ends.
Now the clock strikes:
Bells ring, sonorous,
Pure as childhood,
Shining as youth,
Florid as love,
Consummate as wisdom
…the spring runs out.

Grandfather Clock Face


  1. Publication credits - original version:

    The Furious Gazelle (September 19, 2014)


  2. Public domain photo

    Photo link:

