
Wednesday, February 22, 2023



Dark-headed coffee is a keen companion
Of depth and wit,
Finely calibrated scientific instrument.

Swinging his censer just below my nostrils,
He slays my logic with perfume.
“What crow has stolen your words?”

He asks. “Has your eloquence
Turned into baubles in his nest?”
I pay no attention to the ribbing.

He is too valuable a vizier.
I mine gold every morning.
I take my breakfast like a king—

To my right salted fish,
To my left steaming rice,
Fresh egg is the jester.

Butter, a bird, is eyeing the bread.
Milk dives smoothly into coffee.
Sugar disappears, memory of a dream.

A cock crosses swords with the day.
Things to do arrange themselves,
Tallest to shortest.

Digesting a bolus,
I rise ready to run the next marathon,
Wakeful as a bat, electric as a hawk.
Morning steps forward…

Morning steps forward, freshly washed, newly fed, tautly wound, a limber bow,
Ready to spring, tumble, wheel, pull at oars, throw the hammer, leap the long jump,
High kick, vault, cartwheel forward, lunge, Superman punch, elbow strike, grapple,
Throw, bound, mount a motorcycle, zip, zap, round and round the block,
Water ski, slicing the surface—fine fillets—smoothly, upswept, propelled by a parachute of air,
Sling saucers aloft, spinning pizza dough, snare them whirling on sticks, bob, bobble,
Hop, flip bowls from foot to head, head to foot, right to left, left, right, back again.
Hot fresh bread…

Hot fresh bread, breakfast time:
Fragrant, not a flower,
Warming, not a fire,
Lively, not a flame,
Soothing, not a salve,
Kindly, not a caress;
Dark honey wheat,
Black oat barley,
Sweet cinnamon raisin,
Savory apple walnut,
Ciabatta, Foccacia, Pita,
Bublik, Chapati, Pandesal—
Parmesan, Romano—two-cheese,
Sunflower, sesame, fennel—three-seed,
Every type of loaf
Bundled in brown wrapper,
Crackling in your embrace,
Steaming scented clouds,
Breathe deeply
Atop a mountain;
Billowing, fluffy blanket,
Pull it up,
Tuck it snug
Beneath your chin;
Bracing, poppy fireside,
Cross your arms,
Hold it to your heart.
Fed in deepest winter,
Bathed at height of summer,
Refreshed when day is dry,
Sheltered when life is wet,
Healed when you are pierced,
Becalmed…even after you are violently shaken,
Remade in hope,
Transformed in joy,
Nourished, uplifted…blessed:
Every good thing comes to you 
As a loaf of bread.

Work springs from bed, time ringing,
Switches off alarm, not clock, world,
Ticking, spinning, running, rushing—
Undresses, showers, splashes—

Sun, birds, window—towels, fluffy, dry—
Dresses, belt, tie, mirror, brushes hair,
Bounds for egg, rice, coffee—
Brushes teeth, brushes hair again,

Hops in car, drives, slows down, traffic—
Rain, wipers, left, right, metronome—
Signals, turns, parks, jumps out—at last!—
Guard, elevator button, fourth floor,

Hello, good morning, sits down, breathless,
Switches on computer, types—tik, tak,
Tikkity-tak—gets up, coffee maker—almost
No one here, checks calendar—holiday.
What gets you out of bed in the morning?


  1. Pexels license

    Photo link:


  2. “Nothing is more practical than finding God, that is, than falling in love in a quite absolute, final way. What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will affect everything. It will decide what will get you out of bed in the morning, what you will do with your evenings, how you will spend your weekends, what you read, who you know, what breaks your heart, and what amazes you with joy and gratitude. Fall in love, stay in love and it will decide everything.”

    —Father Pedro Arrupe Gondra, SJ

    —Kevin F. Burke, “Love Will Decide Everything: Pedro Arrupe recovered the Ignatian ‘mysticism of open eyes,’” America, November 12, 2007


  3. All of you are children of the light and children of the day. Therefore, let us not sleep as the rest do, but let us stay alert and sober. Since we are of the day, let us be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love and the helmet that is hope for salvation.—1 Thessalonians 5:5-6, 8

